Three Tips For Saving Money On Your Upcoming Move

Moving can be expensive. But if you are on a tight budget, you may be trying to move for as cheaply as possible or save as much money as you can on the move. Here are three tips that will help you save money on your upcoming move. 

Plan Your Move As Early As Possible

One of the best ways to maximize your savings when it comes to moving is planning out your move as early as possible. Those who plan out their moves as early as possible are able to save the most amount of money. Everything from hiring movers to booking moving trucks to pre-buying packing supplies is cheaper when you do it early compared to doing it at the last minute. In some situations, you may find yourself moving unexpectedly at the last possible minute. In this case, there isn't much you can do. But most people know they are moving several weeks or months before the move. If you are in this boat, start planning right away to get the best possible prices for all of your moving needs. 

Don't Move Items You Will Never Use Again

When you find out you will be moving, it is highly recommended that you start to de-clutter your home. This includes throwing away or donating items that will never be used again or selling off pieces of furniture that will not fit in the new home that you are buying or moving into. One of the mistakes that can cost you money when you are moving is moving belongings that you don't move. You waste time packing them, waste moving supplies on them and waste space in a moving truck. If you don't use the items or have no use for them in your new home, ditch them before you move. 

Get Estimates From Three Moving Companies

The last way you can save money for your upcoming move is to get binding quotes from at least three moving companies. Most people assume that the prices for moving companies are pretty much the same from company to company. But this is not true. Prices can vary widely from one company to another. Getting three quotes helps you to see what a fair and reasonable price is and gives you negotiating power between the companies, which can help you get the best price for your moving needs. 

If you are planning on moving, planning out your move as early as possible, de-cluttering and getting rid of items you will not need and obtaining estimates from at least three moving companies will help you get the best possible prices for your move and save some money. 
